The SimDesign service implements a collaborative framework to perform the simulated design of buildings following the past and current seismic design procedures in Europe. It utilises open-source software and data to allow the engineering community in Europe to contribute to the database of design codes already implemented. The framework generates a Building Class Information Model (BCIM) for a given taxonomy to represent several possible building realisations and reflect the building-to-building variability. Each realisation is processed with an iterative simulated design procedure, and the final building design details (e.g., reinforcement, dimensions of columns and beams) are stored in the Building Design Information Model (BDIM). Numerical models are created in OpenSees .tcl and .py. They can be used to perform non-linear analyses of the designed buildings and obtain probabilistic seismic demand models, which will ultimately support the development of fragility functions and vulnerability models for residential buildings in Europe.

Users of the design software can define prototype building configurations for which the simulated design is carried out.